Event: 2-Part Hacklab: Intro to Git and Front-end Coding | Harvard…
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Apr 08, 2017

2-Part Hacklab: Intro to Git and Front-end Coding

HackLab is back! Come attend one or both of the sessions below!

Session 1(Git and Github 10am-12pm)

After you hire a developer, they typically hand over their work to you with GitHub… But what is GitHub? How do you use it? How do I see my code? In this 2-hour session, you’ll learn just exactly what git is and how developers use it to keep track of their own code and collaborate with others. NO CODING KNOWLEDGE is necessary. This workshop is for both developers looking to learn about git and non-developers who want to learn how to receive code from developers.


  1. A laptop (preferably Mac but Windows is fine)

  2. Register for github.com. It’s free!

Session 2(Front-end Coding and Bootstrap 12:30pm-4:30pm)

Have you ever seen a beautiful website and wondered how it’s coded? Do you think learning how to code is too much of a time investment for you? In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn Twitter Bootstrap, one of today’s most popular front-end frameworks for web development. Whether you have no experience writing code or have a little knowledge of html, this workshop is for you.

We’ll be learning how to use the “”Bootstrap”” code library to create beautiful front ends. Bootstrap is a combination of pre-written code written in languages called HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that allow you to write very little but get a whole lot. By the end of this four hour workshop, you’ll walk out having built the front-end (UI) to an an online dashboard to manage stuff.

Come prepared to code because this is hands-on!


1. Bring a laptop

2. Install the sublime text code editor (http://www.sublimetext.com/)

3. Install Chrome web browser if you don’t already have it (https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/)

What you’ll learn:

1. Intro to html and CSS

2. The Bootstrap framework.

3. How to use the bootstrap framework to make mobile responsive websites that actually look good and that you can reproduce on your own