Event: Community-Building for Entrepreneurs | Harvard Innovation Labs
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Apr 13, 2017

Community-Building for Entrepreneurs

How can your venture tap into the power of community? According to Ad Age, 83% of American consumers want brands to take a stand and support causes. Similarly, the Marketing Science Institute has found that customer participation in brand communities can increase revenues by up to 25%.

How can we go from “build it (and market it) so users will come” to “build it together and we are already here”? How do companies build communities of not just users, but advocates and co-creators?

In this workshop, Foossa co-founders (and Harvard alumni) David Colby Reed and Lee-Sean Huang will share their experience and tools from their community-centered design and strategy practice.

Key takeaways:
- Understand the building blocks of community building and participatory co-design
- Learn how to apply lessons from political and social organizing and advocacy to your venture
- Walk away with concrete planning and storytelling tools to engage your brand community