Event: Hacking the $310,000 President's Innovation Challenge |…
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Dec 06, 2017

Hacking the $310,000 President's Innovation Challenge

You have an idea for a venture. Check.

You’ve come to the i-lab to meet like-minded students with an entrepreneurial bent. Check.

You’ve found (or are still looking for) co-conspirators, people passionate about the same problem set or space to help you along on your journey. Check.

Or, maybe you haven’t done any of these yet, but you want help on your application. Check.

Now, with the beginnings of your team in place, you’re going to apply to the President’s Innovation Challenge. And we know that requires work.

So, with your can-do attitude in mind, we’ve designed a hands-on, roll up your sleeves, turbocharged workshop to help you shape your application. We’ll take a section-by-section, hands-on, deep dive into the application. For each section, our i-lab advisors will give you an introduction and then help you get right down to workshopping your application responses.

We’ll cover:

  • How you define your problem and frame your solution

  • How you define your customers

  • How to establish your value proposition

  • And other tips on how to refine your application

We’ll also help you set out a plan for how to operate as a team over the next 30, 60 & 90 days as you set out to further transform your idea into a venture. You may win the President’s Innovation Challenge, or not, but you will emerge from this hack with the knowledge you need to turn your idea into a real thing. That’s a win by itself, in our book.

Come prepared with your (newly-established or long-standing) PIC team, and your venture vision in mind.