Event: Positioning for success: the #1 exercise every company should…
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Feb 27, 2017

Positioning for success: the #1 exercise every company should do

Do you want everyone on your team to understand with complete clarity what you are trying to achieve? Do you want every activity to be high value? Do you want incredibly effective marketing materials that make people understand exactly why they need your product? Do you want a brand that your customers value? All this stems from a very focused positioning statement. You’ll be surprised at how empowering one simple sentence can be.

Join Assistant Director Peter Gladstone as he leverages his 20 years of marketing experience to walk you through word-by-word how to build a positioning statement that will serve as one of the most important strategic documents your company will ever use.

Whether you’re a company of two or twenty you’ll walk away feeling this was one of the most productive hours of your semester.