Blake Hanan | Harvard Innovation Labs
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Blake Hanan

Teaching Assistant, Maker Studio



Blake Hanan

Blake Hanan is this semester’s Maker Studio Teaching Assistant. Blake is a bioengineering PhD student at Harvard University.

Prior to starting at Harvard, Blake completed a B.E. and M.S. in Biomedical Engineering at Vanderbilt University. He has spent much of his free time working and running maker spaces. Blake is involved with a global organization called Tikkun Olam Makers, where the goal is to design and build open source assistive technology for people with disabilities, where he has been a part of 5 projects, as well as running make-a-thon events in maker spaces. At Vanderbilt, Blake’s research involved fabricating microfluidic devices for biophysical and drug delivery applications. Blake’s research at Harvard will be in the Mooney Lab designing immunomodulatory materials to help fight cancer.

Sign up for a training with Blake to begin using the Maker Studio.