Harvard Innovation Labs Announces 2022 Summer Venture Program Cohort
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Harvard Innovation Labs Announces 2022 Summer Venture Program Cohort

This week, the Harvard Innovation Labs announced that 377 student-led ventures have been accepted into its 2022 Summer Venture Program.

“Summer is an incredibly vibrant time at the Harvard Innovation Labs, where hundreds of students dedicate their ‘breaks’ to starting and scaling ventures across industries,” said Matt Segneri, Bruce and Bridgitt Evans Executive Director of the Harvard Innovation Labs. “In the coming months, I look forward to seeing the ideas and innovations students develop in the months ahead, and hearing the ring of the i-lab gong when founders celebrate their progress: a new customer, employee hire, product launch, and so much more.”

The Summer Venture Program features a variety of resources to help teams collaborate with peers across the University, develop products and services, and scale ventures. These resources include guidance from staff advisors, workshops with industry experts, social events that encourage connection and community building, and resources for building physical and virtual products and services—including a maker space and podcast studio.

Ventures participating in the Summer Venture Program represent dozens of industries, with startup founders coming from all 13 Harvard schools—an excellent expression of the Harvard Innovation Labs’ vision to foster collaboration throughout the entire Harvard community.