Volunteer Interest Form | Harvard Innovation Labs
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Volunteer Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Harvard Innovation Labs!

Please tell us more about your background and interests by completing the form below and email us with any questions.

Contact Information



Please select the startup roles you've had in the last 5 years (you can choose multiple):

Early employee (first 25 employees)
None of the above
Other, please specify:
If you would like to add a brief bio, please do so here:

If you are affiliated with Harvard, please complete the following:

Harvard Affiliation
Harvard School
Harvard Degree(s)
Harvard Graduation Year

Next Steps

How would you like to get involved with Harvard Innovation Labs?

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Programming
Curate and engage with EDIB topics of discussion in i-lab programming, workshops, trainings, and engagements.

Serial entrepreneurs or individuals with deep founding experience can be paired 1:1 with venture founders to support via mentorship and coaching. (1-2 hours per week per semester)

Networking & Community Opportunities
Stay connected via networking and community events.

Office Hours
Entrepreneurs, executives, industry experts or specialists provide scheduled office hours to meet 1:1 with any Harvard student and current ventures within the i-lab ecosystem. (6-12 hours per semester)

President's Innovation Challenge Judging
Engage with the top ventures in our ecosystem, by reading and evaluating online applications for our annual student, alumni & affiliates venture competition. (3-4 hours per judging round)

Speaking Engagements
Develop and present salient content relating to innovation and/or entrepreneurship. (2-4 hours per session)

Specialist & Funder Network
For funders and specialists, join our network to connect with students on a need-based basis and ad hoc engagement.

Supporting Underserved Founders
Connect directly with our student subcommunities and underserved founders.


Why are you interested in getting involved?

If you were recommended by anyone to get involved, please indicate whom: