Adolescent Health Champions
Using peer-to-peer education to train adolescents in India in critical health topics.
Base Operations
Aggregating, visualizing, and interpreting threat data to help organizations anticipate disruptions around the world — keeping their people, assets, and operations safe.
Bullseye Biosciences
By leveraging competition and evolution, Bullseye aims to transform therapeutics discovery and expedite the development of life-saving medicines.
Crop Diagnostix
Building the future of predictive agriculture with patented, AI-powered gene expression technology.
Building five-in-one test strips to detect the five deadliest lacing agents in recreational drugs.
Developing a propulsion mechanism that can fly in near-space, a region that is inaccessible to aircraft and satellites, to deliver climate insights and offset satellite emissions.
Saturday Art Class
Unleashing the creative potential of one of the world's largest marginalized child populations by developing social-emotional skills through visual arts education.
Providing on-demand solar irrigation to Indian farmers, increasing their access to affordable, reliable, and clean irrigation.
Making surgery safer for both patients and healthcare providers around the world through innovative technology, co-developed with users and centered around patient needs.
TecHustle, Inc.
Building Africa's largest small business network for global trade by providing financial services and market access.
Take On the Challenge
Students: Apply for the PIC by Dec. 05.