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Student i-lab


Building a fully-automated, AI-powered platform to assess hip pathology in 3D, using routinely collected clinical data.

About BonePixel


2024 Summer


Harvard Medical School



Untreated hip injuries are the leading cause of osteoarthritis (OA). The socioeconomic burden of hip OA, such as treatment cost and loss of physical activity levels, highlights the importance of tools for proper diagnosis and treatment of hip injuries. Hip preservation care — treatment strategies for avoiding hip OA and replacement surgery — lacks an objective data-driven tool that can comprehensively assess static (abnormal morphology) and dynamic (motion-related) hip pathology. BonePixel offers a fully automated platform to assess hip pathology in 3D, using routinely collected clinical data. With the use of AI and historical data, we offer patient matching, personalized diagnosis, and treatment planning including the choice of surgical versus non-surgical interventions.

Be In The Know

The Student i-lab application opens in August for fall membership. Keep up the momentum in the meantime.

Student pitching at the 2024 PIC