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Student i-lab


Making early diagnosis of gum disease more accessible and efficient while saving time and money for patients and providers.

About PerioSense


2024 Spring


Harvard School of Dental Medicine



Gum disease, the leading cause of tooth loss, often works in silence – quietly destroying the gums and the tissue supporting our teeth. At advanced stages, it becomes incurable, leaving patients with costly treatment options that can never fully reverse the damage. Regular periodontal (gum) probing is the only way to ensure early diagnosis and prevention. However, the screening process for gum disease is uncomfortable for patients and very time-consuming for dentists. This often results in infrequent or skipped screenings leading to the unnoticed progression of the disease. In fact, undiagnosed gum disease is among the top causes of dental malpractice claims. To solve this issue, our team of engineers and future dentists came together to build an affordable and convenient automated probe that significantly reduces the time and effort needed for regular screenings, leading to improved oral health and more teeth saved.

Join Us

Our bonus registration period for Fall 2024 is open through Sept. 26. Join us!

Students at a networking event