The Harvard Innovation Labs Announces Summer Members
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The Harvard Innovation Labs Announces Summer Members

Harvard Innovation Lab Summer Membership Kickoff Event

Today, the Harvard Innovation Labs is announcing that more than 900 students have signed up for the university innovation center’s summer membership.

“Last year, we introduced a membership model for Harvard Innovation Labs resources, with the aim of better meeting students where they are in their entrepreneurial journeys,” said Matt Segneri, Bruce and Bridgitt Evans Executive Director of the Harvard Innovation Labs. “We’ve been thrilled to see an incredibly positive response from the student community, with well over 2,000 students signing up to be members since the fall of 2022.”

Harvard Innovation Labs members have access to a range of supports — including expert advisors, workshops, social events that encourage connection and community building, and resources for ideating and building products and services — across three stages:

  • Explore for individuals who are at an early stage of ideation or venture formation, as well as individuals interested in joining a new venture.
  • Test for founders who are doing customer discovery, working on MVPs, and validating their product or service.
  • Propel for ventures that are focused on their business model, customer creation, team development, and fundraising.

Here’s a sample of ventures that the Harvard Innovation Labs members will work on this summer:

  • Aivocate: Developing an AI-powered legal assistant that serves as a "pocket lawyer" for immigration topics.
  • AfricaFirm: Using profits to fund social programs through impact-driven alternative investment management.
  • Anemone: Creating an alternative to LinkedIn dedicated to cultural and creative industries.
  • BallotBox: Providing organizations a unique digital voting solution in which ballot secrecy is unhackable and voters gain trust by self-verifying their counted ballot.
  • Buildoly: Helping homeowners plan, design, and build their renovation projects through an all-in-one platform.
  • CarbonSense Technologies: Providing an energy and carbon management system to empower organizations on a path to carbon neutrality.
  • DetoXyFi: Building next-generation household drinking water filters that are sustainable, affordable, and highly effective.
  • Freya’s Gift: Developing microbiome therapeutics that leverage microbial bioactivation of dietary factors to treat infection and disease.
  • GarboCarbo: Capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converting it into valuable byproducts.
  • Girls Who VC: Increasing the number of women in venture capital.
  • HyrdaPops: Making electrolyte popsicles that provide a healthy and enjoyable way to hydrate, without added sugars, dyes, and harmful ingredients.
  • Lotus: Bringing together young women+ with reproductive health conditions and concerns to help reduce the stigma surrounding the discussion of women+'s reproductive health.
  • Nimble Health: Reinventing how patients with musculoskeletal conditions navigate the healthcare system.
  • Northwood Space: Designing hardware products that significantly expand the orbits and frequency ranges available simultaneously from the ground for satellite communications
  • Pacto Medical: Developing a compact syringe that lowers shipping and storage costs, while reducing the environmental impact of pre-filled syringes.
  • Privacy House: Helping individuals and businesses protect their online reputation and privacy.
  • SustainaCode: Increasing consumption of sustainable products by using insights, incentives, and behavioral nudges based on predictive analytics drawn from consumer buying preferences.
  • UNCubical: Providing science-backed meditation and wellness programs to employees.
  • VirtualStagingAI: Digitally furnishing empty rooms through generative AI.
  • Willow Health: Building an AI data platform for holistic brain health monitoring and intervention.