Harvard Business School
Harvard College
Harvard Extension School
Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Harvard Kennedy School
Harvard Law School
Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Non-Harvard Affiliate
Alokito Hridoy Foundation
Building a teacher development platform that aims to support, nurture and empower teachers in Bangladesh as compassionate leaders and lifelong learners
Asude Foundation
Aiming to provide a holistic education for every child in India.
Barefoot Edu Foundation
Creating a movement of empowered educators in India who make education meaningful for children.
Canopy Nepal
Providing equitable education access to underprivileged children of Nepal and promoting interactive learning used to make informed decisions.
Debate Spaces
Connecting and empowering middle schoolers worldwide, teaching debate to foster critical thinking, cultural empathy, and civic engagement.
Earth Warriors Global
Providing a comprehensive climate education school curriculum for 3-11-year-olds using a positive and empowering approach.
Evolving Thinkers
Designing an activity-based learning program to enhance and foster essential social and transferable skills in young learners, particularly those aged 3–8.
Foundation of Research in Careers & Education
Building a virtual education initiate to run personalized skill development programs for high school students in South Asia.
Making well-being programs accessible to vulnerable children in India, at scale.
Mai Soli Foundation
Empowering young girls to break the cycle of child marriage with education and entrepreneurship.
Providing access to universal high-quality early childhood education for children in need, in Egypt.
Developing a sexual education program for low-income communities in Colombia.
Ranjitsinh Disale Foundation
Empowering young girls through teaching conflict resolution skills to foster a culture of harmony in the classroom.
Saturday Art Class
Unleashing the creative potential of one of the world's largest marginalized child populations by developing social-emotional skills through visual arts education.
Slam Out Loud
Using the visual and performing arts to enable children in India from disadvantaged backgrounds to find their voice.
Society of Women Coders
A nonprofit fighting gender-based digital inequality in low- and middle-income countries.
A nonprofit online connector for K-12 educators of all subjects to find credible and engaging materials on climate change at no cost.
Helping middle and high schooler students use their academic knowledge to win real-life rewards via a mobile digital olympiad.
Two Rabbits
Empowering the world's hardest to reach children to live in dignity, respect, and peace through culturally-adapted preschool education that preserves and promotes their language and culture.
Helping high school students make informed career decisions through industry mentorships and experiential learning programs.